New Years Resolutions for 2015 and 2014 Review
January 4, 2015Last year was the first time that I published my New Year Resolutions online for the world to see. This year I am doing it again in hopes to continue getting better at them. Below you will find my 2015 resolutions and how I did in 2014.
My 2015 Resolutions
- Participate in a collaborative open-source project as a major contributor. I did a good job in 2014, but really want to step up my game in 2015.
- Release the Android and iOS app of BeerLedge.
- Continue to further my current open-source projects on Github. Archey-OSX has seen some activity lately and would love to continue that.
- Become a pilar in the DC teck scene.
- Be better at regularly blogging. (I want to post a blog entry at least once a month, weekly was just too hard!).
- Improve my programming skill levels in both Javascript and Python. (I have purposely changed the order of these two; I really like Javascript.)
- Have a talk accepted at a programming conference.
- Continue to give a talk at my local meetup group. I gave 5 talks in 2014, would like to double that.
- Continue the success of Node Night and set up more NodeSchool events after the very successful NationJS NodeSchool.
- Lose weight. I really want to hit my target goal this year; I seriously went backwards in 2014 and now realize that this is going to be harder than I ever thought… I am not 20 anymore!
- Read even more fiction books. Now that I have found audiobooks, I feel like this goal is actually attainable this year.
- Participate and complete the 2015 NaNoWriMo. This is a goal I have failed at numerous times and really want to complete it!
- Make more of an effort to see friends when back in Connecticut.
My 2014 Resolutions
Participate and complete the 2014 NaNoWriMo.
Actively participate in a collaborative open-source project.
Continue to further my current open-source projects on Github.
Be better at regularly blogging. I want to post a blog entry at least once a week.
Improve my programming skill levels in both Python and Javascript.
Give a talk at a local meetup group.
Lose weight. I really want to hit my target goal this year; I made some progress in 2013, but not nearly enough.
Read more fiction. I have far too many books on my ‘to-read’ list and adding more all the time.
Expand the feature-set and user-base of BeerLedge.
Get more friends visiting the DC area at a regular clip.
Make more of an effort to see friends when back in Connecticut.
Most importantly, get married to my beautiful fianceé.
I am sure there are some things I am forgetting, but it definitely feels good to take some time to write these goals out. Expect a more indepth retrospective on 2014 coming up very soon! Here’s to a very Happy New Years to you and yours!